MOPS Christmas Party

MOPS Christmas Party

This semester, our church (finally!) started a working mom’s MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) once a month in the evening.

The ladies have been so encouraging and so sweet to minister to our weary momma hearts.

They treated us and our kiddos to a fun Christmas party, and it was so special!

We started decorating cupcakes for Jesus’ birthday and then we ate pizza.

They did all sorts of fun crafts- making an ornament, Christmas canvas, and searching for .

Then our children’s pastor came and told them the Christmas story (which was a little nuts because of all the little kid energy!).

They also got to do a service project- packaging up cake kits to donate to the food pantry.

I’m just sdies felt the nudge to serve in this way. I’m super involved in church, but most of it is my service. Showing up and being poured into is so sweet. So very sweet. And they go above and beyond to decorate and make food and encourage our hearts. It’s so special.

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