More Christmas Fun!

More Christmas Fun!

Christmas has come and gone, but I’m still recapping Christmas fun!

We had another fun Christmas light night looking at lights in Fort Smith. We caught the train at Creekmore Park on a pretty warm night, and we only waited like 30-40 minutes. We saw the lights there and then drove around to look at the Fianna Hills neighborhood, too.

There are several houses with those fun light shows set to music. We all enjoy them!

We also had a day where we caught the Grinch at the mall! Remi was SO cute visiting with him. She always loves people in costumes, and she thought the Grinch was so fun. She took her pic with him and then kept swinging by to wave at him.

We got to visit with some friends over the holidays, too! Our friends JJ, Lauren, Ryan and Ella came in from Atlanta, and we all met up at the Monkey House to let the kids play.

Gigi took Remi over into Oklahoma to see some friends from horse camp and some family play basketball. She LOVES Slaytie Jo (her horse camp friend) and her cousin Colton. She had a blast with them!

She and I had another Christmas light night after the holidays. There were a few more houses I wanted to see, so while Tyler was off working at his hunting lease, we drove around with Bliss cupcakes and checked out the lights. Bonus to going after Christmas? No other cars around. We could stay as long as we wanted!

Our favorite was the Extreme Light Show. Remi loves the characters that sing, and this house had tons of lights that sang along with the music.

I’ve got mfe to say we’ve had a super great holiday season!

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