Oh my sweet Remi girl! I can’t believe you’re six! What a BIG year this has been. You graduated preschool and started kindergarten. I knew you would love it- and you do! You love learning and you’re so social. School was a little tough at first, having to make new friends. But you went confidently into the new and have just rocked it.
You’re SO physically strong. You hang like a monkey and climb everything. You are really fearless when you don’t let your “what ifs” get the best of you.
Some things you love: horse camp and your Gigi’s horse Rex. You yodel for him in our back pasture, give him treats, and love to ride him. You ride without anyone leading. It’s really neat!
You LOVE animals. Not only our dog, and your grandmas’ dogs, but you want to stop and pet all dogs. You always ask “Is your doggy nice?”
You love helping. I can see your sweet servant heart coming to life. You want to help around the house, help me cook and bake, help others who are sad, help smaller kids do things at the playground.
You LOVE BIG. You’re always giving hugs (maybe a little too tight for too long, but we’re working on that) to everyone. You love to cheer for others.
You love gymnastics. You’re doing so well! You’ve tested up to the first real level and are getting some great coaching in class. We took you to a local meet, and you loved it. I’m not sure you’re interested in competing yet, but I am glad you love working on the skills. You work hard at home to practice and improve.
You love dolls and playing pretend. You still love to set up little scenarios with your dolls or dress up and direct a whole situational play.
Some of your favorite foods are: oreos, bell peppers, grapes, salad and pizza at Genos, Sonic corn dogs, frozen wild blueberries, and sandwiches.
You’re currently around 42.5/43 inches and around 40 lbs. (In the 25th percentile for both height and weight.)
We are SO incredibly proud of who you are. You’re learning to control and handle your big emotions. You’re learning to listen and be more responsible. You’re learning how to be a good friend. You’re reading!! It’s all so exciting.
Remi Roo, we sure do love you! I hope this year of your life is full of amazing adventures together!